DAR Client 2

DAR Client 2

These eggs were requested by a client who gave me photocopy of a cameo that she wanted to be put on some eggs.  The photocopy was difficult to work from, but I managed!

DAR Client 2

DAR Client 2

These eggs were requested by a client who gave me photocopy of a cameo that she wanted to be put on some eggs.  The photocopy was difficult to work from, but I managed!

DAR Client

DAR Client

Here are some eggs I have been working on for a client in the DAR.  She requests several at a time so she can send them out as gifts.  The design is based on a brooch that is her “logo.”

Ukrainian Easter Eggs

Ukrainian Easter Eggs are also called Pysanky. I learned from a little starter kit with 4 dyes, a little beeswax and a traditional kitska you hold over a flame to warm the wax before you draw on an egg. I’ve expanded from the Ukrainian geometric designs to Hawaiian, African, and logo designs along with an electric kitska. I’ve added a Dremel to the toolbox as well as a farm in California on speed dial. They have all kinds of eggs. I’ll have to see about adding links to sites where I get my supplies. Still learning folks, I want to be helpful without stepping on anybody’s toes.